April 30, 2024

With bipartisan support in both chambers, the Building Civic Bridges Act deserves business backing

Last week, U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Todd Young (R-IN) introduced the bipartisan Building Civic Bridges Act in the Senate, following the earlier introduction in the House by Representatives Derek Kilmer (D-WA) and Andy Barr (R-KY). Business for America (BFA) applauds these members for championing the bipartisan legislation’s focus on locally-based bridgebuilding solutions.

“Amid growing polarization, civic engagement and debate are essential to maintaining the American spirit,” said Senator Young. “Our bipartisan bill will help bring Americans together to engage respectfully and constructively, promoting positive conversation and greater unity across the nation.”

Senator Coons added, “This bill will play a crucial role in strengthening civics locally and providing local communities with the resources needed to promote civic engagement. I am grateful to Representatives Kilmer and Barr for spearheading this bipartisan effort with us.”

This bill will establish a pilot program to empower local communities to address contentious civic issues and reduce polarization at the local level. Senator Coons' office released a collection of statements from supporting organizations, including BFA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Toxic polarization among Americans is not only a threat to our social fabric; it is a threat to our system of government, national security, and economic stability. The business sector has much to gain from reversing the increasing divisions tearing our country apart, and this legislation could be one key solution. Now that the Building Civic Bridges Act has been introduced in both chambers of Congress, it’s time for businesses to endorse and advocate for this legislation as we urge passage of the bill with key lawmakers.

To learn more about the BCBA, read and sign the letter, please visit our Building Civic Bridges Act webpage.

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About Business for America
Business for America is a nonpartisan nonprofit business membership organization advancing solutions to boost civic engagement, reduce political polarization, and modernize government. A well-functioning democracy will foster a more competitive, innovative business climate in America. Businesses interested in getting involved can learn more at bfa.us.