
Bonk has over 20 years of experience in design, technology, and leadership at Fortune 500 companies, with expertise in strategy, organizational development, communications, and project management. She spent nearly 15 years at Apple in the Software, Retail, and Marketing Communications divisions. In her last role, she served as senior manager of over 50 interactive designers and managers for Apple.com. Today she serves as founder and CEO of Business for America (BFA).

While volunteering as a pro bono consultant to several nonpartisan political reform and civic organizations, Bonk recognized that business engagement would be essential to overcoming political partisanship and reforming American government. She founded Business for America, a business group dedicated exclusively to mobilizing the business community to help advance popular, bipartisan political reforms and technology solutions that strengthen representative democracy.

In addition to her role in founding and leading BFA, Bonk co-authored the BFA report Business Bridging Divides, exploring how to engage the business community to overcome social and political divisions in America through workforce culture and employee development.

Bonk is a political independent. She has a B.A. in public policy from Oberlin College. She served on the Take Back Our Republic board of directors, a partner organization bringing a conservative perspective to political reform. In 2022, Bonk joined JCOC93, the U.S. Department of Defense's Joint Civilian Orientation Conference, which enables American business and community leaders to have a full immersive experience with the military, and she now serves as a Navy Community Ambassador for California.

And yes, she goes by “Bonk.”

Notable Speaking Engagements 

  • The Business Council: 2024 panel on The Future of Business & Democracy moderated by Judy Woodruff
  • Corporate Directors Forum: 2024 panel on The Risks vs. Rewards of Corporate Engagement
  • Public Affairs Council: 2024 national conference speaker on The Business Case for Civic Health 
  • Represent.Us: 2023 American Democracy Summit - organized and moderated From Boardrooms to Ballots, Democracy is Good Business
  • US Chamber: 2024 event Bridging Divides in Corporate America & Beyond
  • Women in Government Relations: 2023 Professional Women in Advocacy conference session